Antigonish Kilt Skate
A report from Dan Cochrane of the Antigonish Highland Society:
On Heritage Day, February 17th, the AHS hosted our third annual Great Canadian Kilt Skate! For those who don’t know, the Kilt Skate was conceived to mark the bicentennial of Canada’s first prime minister, in 2015. Since then, it has grown to include communities across Canada and even beyond, with skates taking place in the United States and even overseas!!!
In Antigonish, the event began with a rousing pair of highland dance performances by Brielle Burns and Violet Barkhouse. Well done girls!!!
As skaters took to the ice, the rink filled quickly and as many as 110 people took part in the fun!
There were oatcakes, pipers (including Kurtis Bryden, who played while skating!!) and of course plenty of tartan! While Scotland may not be known for its ice skating, the AHS is quickly making it a part of our Scottish Canadian identity.
Thank you to everyone who took part, we hope to see you all again next year!!!
Dan Cochrane, Operations Manager