Toronto's Scots come out in big numbers

Toronto's Scots come out in big numbers

After a flurry of social media posts, Scots came out in great numbers to Toronto's second annual Sir John A's Great Canadian Kilt Skate. Outdoor kilt skates are always vulnerable to the weather, and on the Saturday on which the skate was originally scheduled, the rain poured on Nathan Phillips Square. Mind you, that didn't stop some Torontonians from trying out their skates, but I'm glad the City asked us to move our event to Sunday. 

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Toronto's first Sir John A Skate brings out the Scots

Toronto's first Sir John A Skate brings out the Scots

alk about making a big entrance in the big smoke! Toronto's first-ever Sir John A's Great Canadian Kilt Skate took over one of Canada's most famous skating rinks at Nathan Phillips Square. It was an unseasonably warm afternoon.  The refrigeration coils and the Zamboni maintained an ice surface that was fine for skating.


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Kilt Skate by the Henry Moore

Kilt Skate by the Henry Moore

We've been trying to bring kilt skating to Toronto, so when a conference brings you to the big city, then pack the skates and the kilt, bring along the flag, and see if you can make some friends. 

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